North Central Washington Quilt Guild
Preserving and encouraging quilt making in North Central Washington
Update for Comfort Quilts
COMFORT QUILTS is the branch of our guild that donates to many local organizations, creating quilts, pillow cases, placemats, blankets and more, as a way to bring comfort to our community.
Whether you enjoy piecing a quilt top, sewing binding, cutting fabric, assembling a kit for someone to get started (available at every monthly meeting) and everything in between, there is a place for you. We also provide backing, binding and batting if so desired.
Call or email if you have a specific need. We will cut backing to size for you. Drop off or pick up from one of us, or at a guild meeting.
Thank you everyone for your time, talent, and material to make Comfort Quilts for our community.
Suggested sizes:
Newborn: 24” x 36”
Baby/ Toddler: 36" to 45" square
Wheelchair: 40" square
Palliative: 40" x 60" (size can vary - 50" square also works well)
Twin: 60" x 80"
Placemats: 12" x 18"
Please contact for questions, requests, further information and/or JOINING OUR TEAM
Mary Kidwell (417) 631-5785
Marcia Johanson (206) 550-5468
Sue Nash (509) 668-2467
Carmel Wakeman (509) 264-4332
Recipients of our Comfort Quilts:
Confluence Health (Palliative, Oncology/Radiation, Newborn and Pediatrics), Our House Cancer Care, Women’s Resource Center, Mobile Meals, Chief for a Day, Mountain View Women’s Clinic, Leavenworth Rehab, Veterans (The Bunker), CASA, Grace House, Wenatchee Rescue Mission, Habitat for Humanity, local assisted living/ disaster relief/ raffles and scholarships.